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Inauguration of Hodeidah International Airport Maintenance Works

On 22nd February 2023, the Minister of Transport- Abdul Wahhab Al-Durrah, and the Governor of Hodeidah- Muhammed Qohaim, inaugurated the work on maintaining Hodeidah International Airport.

The Minister- Al-Durra and Governor Qohaim, along with the Deputy Chief of the General Staff - Head of the National Team for Redeployment- Major General/ Ali Al-Moshiki, and the Head of the United Nations Mission to Support the Hodeidah Agreement- General/ Michael Beary, were briefed on the damages incurred to the airport as a result of the bombing of the aggression.

And with them, members of the National Redeployment Team, Major General/ Muhammed Al-Qaderi and Brigadier General/ Mansour Al-Sa'adi, they listened from the Director of Hodeidah Airport- Ahmed Tarish to an explanation of the damages incurred to the airport as a result of the bombing and targeting of the aggression.

They also listened from the Director of the Airports' Sector at the Civil Aviation and Meteorology Authority- Amin Jomaan, and the Head of the engineering team- Abdul Ghani Al-Sharafi, to an explanation about the plan to operate the airport and the needs of its rehabilitation and treatment of damages to ensure its return to service as the first cargo airport in the Republic.

ThevMinister- Al-Durra referred to the importance that Hodeidah Airport represents to serve the people of the governorate and neighboring governorates with a dense population, with an estimated capacity of 800,000 passengers annually, to several international destinations for medical treatment, trade and others.

He also stressed on the importance of the United Nations playing a responsible role in rehabilitating the airport and repairing the damages to its facilities and services, including the passenger arrival lounges, the tower, and the landing and take-off runways, and re-operating it to receive all flights.

For his part, the Governor Qohaim stressed that operating the airport is an urgent necessity to alleviate the suffering of citizens, especially the patients.

While Major General/ Al-Mushiki and Major General/ Al-Qadiri affirmed that the national redeployment team is keen on peace and adheres to the terms of the Sweden agreement and made many concessions in order to establish peace in Hodeidah, and provides all forms of support for the success of the UN mission's work.

The Minister of Transport, Qohaim, and the Deputy Chief of Staff had inaugurated the process of removing the remnants of the aggression from the airport lounge, in preparation for its rehabilitation, operation, and restoration of navigational traffic, in translation of the directives of the Leader of the Revolution and the President of the Supreme Political Council.


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