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Two Training Courses for Computer Sciences and Safety Requirements Start at CAMA

at Civil Aviation and Meteorology Institute (CAMI), two training courses (CAMI Diploma) began in computer sciences, safety and occupational health requirements in the Facilities organized by CAMA. The first course, which will last for more than a month, aims to introduce 16 trainees from the Air Navigation Sector of CAMA to the skills of applied computer programs according to an approved curriculum for teaching computer programs. The second session, which will last for five days, aims to provide 25 participants from various sectors of CAMA, the foundations, standards and requirements of occupational safety and health in buildings and facilities in accordance with the internationally recognized standards and requirements. The Director General of the Institute pointed to the importance of these courses, as they develop the skills of the individual and encourage creativity in the professional and technical fields that would enhance and develop the field of civil aviation in the Republic of Yemen. He stressed on the interest of the Ministry of Transport and CAMA leaderships in training, qualification and capacity development in accordance with the international requirements of ICAO.


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