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Ministry of Transport And CAMA Organize Ceremony On Prophet's Birthday Occasion

of human being in honor of the Prophet of the Worlds and the Last of the Prophets and Messengers," he said. He also pointed out that the celebration of the Yemeni citizens on the birth of the Holy Prophet embodies their love for the Messenger of Allah Peace Be Upon Him and His Family, who praised them by saying "faith if Yemeni and wisdom is Yemeni."The Minister- Al-Shami stressed that the celebration of the birth of the great Prophet is a message to the enemies of the nation by following the path of Mustafa, Peace Be Upon Him and following his perfumery biography. He called on everyone to evoke the greatness of this occasion and adhere to the values ​​of the Holy Prophet, including mercy, charity and sincerity in the work; urging to participate in the central event in the capital Sana'a.The Minister of Transport also stressed on the steady pace for promoting the Sectors, Authorities and Institutions of Transport according to the plans and studies that have been developed to cope with the recent developments. He touched on the efforts of the Ministry of Transport, its affiliated authorities and institutions and the steadfastness of all its cadres and their continuing to perform their duties in the current difficult conditions. Meanwhile, the Theologian- Ghaleb Amer delivered a brief lecture on the biography of Mustafa (PBUH) and his Quranic methodology.He said: "It is our duty to celebrate the birth of the Messenger of Allah, the mercy given to the worlds". In the meantime, religious anthems and oratorios were presented in the ceremony which was attended by the Chairman of CAMA- Dr. Mohammed Abdulkader, Mr. Raed Jabal- Deputy Chairman of CAMA, the General Coordinator of the celebration at the Ministry of Transport- Mr. Adnan Al-Kibsi, the assistant Deputies of CAMA, Directors General of CAMA and its Sectors .


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