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Civil Aviation Safety and Security Commission Discusses the Readiness of Sana'a International Airport


The meeting- that was attended by Mr. Abdullah Alansi, Deputy Minister of Transport for Air Transport Sector, Dr. Mohammed Abdulkader, Chairman of CAMA and a number of military and security officials concerned with aviation security and safety – addressed the complete readiness of the airport in all security, technical and professional aspects to receive civil and commercial flights in accordance with the requirements and standards of ICAO.   

The meeting reviewed the work regulation of the Civil Aviation Security and Safety Commission, the work mechanism of the Commission, the proposal of establishing a specialized Attorney of Transport and assessing the level of executing the comprehensive aviation security plan.

During the meeting, the Minister of Transport assured the readiness of the airport technically and securely wise to receive civil and commercial flights. He said: “the airport is 100% ready with a highly degree of efficiency and expertise and is operating by high qualified and technical Yemeni employees. He indicated that the airport has recently received Kuwait Airways aircraft that boarded the national delegation to attend the Talks in Sweden and the aircraft that transferred the war casualties, in addition to the daily flights of UN and International Organizations.          

He pointed out that the aggression coalition forces led by KSA have strived since the beginning of the aggression to paralyze the traffic and activity of the airport being it the first Gate/hub of the Republic of Yemen; indicating that the aggression has targeted the airports, seaports and land ports as well.   


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