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CAMA Organizes a Training Course in the Field of Inventory and Inventory Control

to perform their work with a modern and systematic mechanism to ensure that the inventory is subject to inspection by new methods.


During the inauguration of the course, Dr. Mohammed Al-Khalid, Dean of the National Institute of Administrative Sciences, welcomed the participants and urged them to work hard to make use of the outputs of the course in practical terms, stressing the institute's keenness to solve any problems that may face the trainees during the course.

On the other hand, Mr. Khaled Breeh, Director of Training and Qualifying in CAMA said in his speech that the trainees should be keen to attend and benefit from the trainers' experience, active participation in the course and its various activities.

During the course, Minister of Civil Service, Chairman of the National Institute Trustees' Board, Dr. Talal Aghlan visited the training course during which he looked at the training process progress and the trainees' conditions; stressing the keenness of the Ministry and the Institute to execute the training courses in accordance with the quality standards and the the institutional work requirements.


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