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CAMA Launches Awareness Campaign against Coronavirus for Its Employees

awareness of CAMA's personnel in the new Corona Virus "Covid-19" and how to prevent it, and urged the employees to adhere to the correct and good health practices. The campaign, which was launched with the direct guidance and supervision by Dr. Mohammed Abdulkader - Chairman of CAMA, aims to aware the employees of the importance of preventing of the virus through personal hygiene, adherence to social distancing, not touching the face with hands and washing hands with soap and water regularly for at least 30 seconds in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Public Health and Population and the World Health Organization.

The campaign that was executed by the Publishing and Documentation Directorate in CAMA also included distributing flyers, posters, informative and awareness advertising stands in CAMA's headquarter building and its different Sectors, including several axes, most notably the definition of the virus, its symptoms and ways to prevent it. They were placed in the main entrances, offices and stairs of CAMA's Building and Sectors, as well as sending awareness messages on social media platforms and the employees' social media groups. Moreover, the campaign focuses on educating the employees to take the necessary precautions in the workplace to prevent corona virus, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, offices and directing the employees to the importance of informing the specialized authorities in the event of the appearance of symptoms such as "coughing, sneezing, high temperature, shortness of breath" and avoiding direct contact with someone who has Symptoms of respiratory illnesses "such as coughing and sneezing" during or outside work, reducing as much meetings as possible, and increasing natural ventilation in closed rooms and offices.


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